
As some of you may remember from our posts last year, the 4th of July is quite the experience in my neighborhood. Kelly and I hosted a party and picniced out front where we lit our own fireworks and then watched the city's fireworks show. Earlier in the day, Kelly and I, plus two of our friends, rode bikes down to the beach. It was quite the chaotic experience. The pennisula in Newport Beach eventually shuts down and does not allow cars in or out. Basically, it turns into a huge party. We left before it got too crazy though to head back to our house.


Patty said...

I wish we could have made it this year! Maybe next tim. It loks and sou8nds like so much fun!

Patty said...

Sorry about the spelling errors but Angela keeps talking to me!

Candi said...

Sounds like a blast! There is nothing like being surrounded by friends!

Diane said...

How great! I just love reading your blog and catching up on everything.

Can't wait to see you this weekend.