
Kelly and I did our second annual "Thanksgiving Day Practice" with our Bible Study group. This means a dinner for about 30 plus people at our house. It is alot of work but is also alot of fun.

This is our backyard before the event, you can see our patio cover Kelly and I built turned out well, at least until the first big winds hit, then I would recommend NOT standing under it.

We put one of the guys in our group in charge of Decorations. Give a man a chance to decorate and you don't get fancy decor, elegant centerpieces, or other sorts of things that add class to a dinner, instead you get a 7 foot tall blow up turkey! Oh YEAH!

We just ate the Dickson's turkey and suprisingly are still smiling!

Well we are smiling because we actually threw our turkey away!

And we're smiling because we are not the suckers sitting outside in the cold!