
Well, Kelly and I spent my part of my birthday weekend building a pergola (patio cover) in our backyard. Actually, the materials for it was a present from my father in law. Wasnt that nice of him giving me a present that create a full few days worth of work for me! Just kidding. It was something we have wanted to do since we had to remove our trees and lost all shade in our backyard (Lauren was not happy about that). We also recently finished painting the rest of our house. Well, not finished, as we have to do touch up and paint the eaves, but the beige is all new. Our yard is starting to come together. The pergola is not finised yet but it is a good start.

Lauren is far from cameras shy as you can see and she is excited about finally having some shade for the rest of the summer. She was so excited and could not contain herself so she went and got her stuffed animal and ran all over the place.


Patty said...

Wow the house looks great! It looks so different without the tress! Great gift from the in-laws as usual! You are lucky to have them!

Patty said...

Opps I meant trees!

Diane said...

Uncle Ron and I sure do admire your work ethic, both you and Kelly. You are blessed in the family you married into. I bet they feel blessed also.

Patty said...

Not bad for a part time worker

Patty said...

That comment was from Dad!