
So my trip was pretty cool. First on Friday night we flew to Scottsdale and left the next morning. It was 95 degrees at 6:30 in the morning so we were glad to get out of there. Here are some pictures of the trip to Arizona and then Wes, the son of the guy I went with, infront of the plane Saturday morning.

Next we flew to Liberal Kansas. As we arrived the other plane we were flying with had a problem with it's landing gear and had to hand crank it down. So we spent the afternoon there seeing if we could get it fixed with little luck. We left on Sunday morning for Wisconsin one plane short as well as a few bags in order to fit into one plane. As for my first trip to Kansas, I have one thing to say...FLAT!

1 comment:

Diane said...

Oh my, that is a small plane. Looks like great fun though. Did you sleep in those tents I noticed alongside the planes? I would love some small plane travel. I love any plane travel. Thanks for sharing.