
Hey everyone. Tonight I am going to be headed out on my friends Cessna 210 (a small 6 seater airplane) and flying across the country (well 2/3 of it) to Oshkosh Wisconsin, which is the largest Air show in the nation. Oh is it going to be a fun adventure. Obviously would appreciate everyone's prayers for saftey. OUr plan is to fly from Irvine tonight to Scottsdale and spend the night there. Then we are making our Democrat flight on Saturday with a stop in Liberal, Kansas and then to Clinton Iowa. Spending Saturday night in Clinton, and then waking up Sunday morning and flying to Oshkosh. Sounds like we will be shooting home on Wednesday. I will post pictures when I get back. As my friends license plate states: "OHH2FLY"

Here is our trip plan so you can see where we are going.

Friday Night Irvine (point A) to Scottsdale (B)

Saturday Scottsdale (B) to Liberal Kansas (C) to refuel

Liberal KS (C) to Clinton Iowa (D) and stay Saturday night

Sunday Quick 45 minute flight from Clinton IA (D) to Oshkosh Wisconsin (E)

Well, guess I should at least post one picture. Here is me and a couple of my friends from work on a coffee break at Starbucks. Can you tell we work hard?


Patty said...

Sooooo exciting! Be safe and have a great time!

Diane said...

Egads! That is a small plane. I fly on one once going to Salt Lake City for Grandpa's second heart surgery. It was quite an exciting experience. It wasn't nearly as long of a trip.

My prayers for your safety. And also for a wonderful time.