
Here are some pictures from the Mud Run Kelly and I did with some friends at Camp Pendleton in San Diego. It was a 10k run (6.2 miles) through the hills of the base. We there was about 2 miles that all went uphill, multiple obstacles, mud pits. You even run through a "lake" that is about 5 feet deep, but that was nice as it was hot and it helped to rinse off the mud. Most of the mud pits were around 5 ft tall walls that you jumped over. The very last mud pit has a bunch of ropes about a foot off the top of the mud and you have to get down in it and crawl. Kelly and I had a blast believe it or not and are thinking of doing it again in October, anyone want to join us?

These pictures dont do justice to how dirty you get. We waited at the finish line for our friends who where about 45 minutes after us.


Candi said...

That looks like a blast! I need to start exercising! I wouldn't start with a 10K, though!

Diane said...

Wow! Sorry I haven't checked in for awhile. Looks like you guys are having the time of your life getting dirty. What fun!

Patty said...

Great job you guys and great pics!